Come on in and meet the team!
Here is the part where the team who created this place describe themselves to you, except in typical RetroGameGeeks fashion they can't do their own Bio, oh no because that's simply no fun at all now is it.
What makes the creators tick, all shall be revealed below....
- RetroGameGeeks
The core "RGG" team players (click pictures for more information on them)
... Hailing from planet SEGA courtesy of the Emerald Zone Olly023 is a man who knows where it's at. Inventor of the seldom used but essential component of the English language, the Verbitage, he proudly defends and councils on all things Sega whilst maintaining a healthy respect and admiration for it's fiercest rival Nintendo. Happy to educate and entertain the masses he is a wealth of retro games knowledge who manages to remain completely down to earth and ultra cool.
... His friends call him Chris but you need to earn that right with this retro playing multiplayer winning machine. Hailing from South East London and a huge lover of the apparently mighty Crystal Palace (jury is out here) our same room game playing youtuber likes to test his skills against any and all comers to his mansion. A reletative newcomer to the retro gaming scene our Luigi appreciating new found friend has always been a retro gamer and we are inclined to agree.
... The man is rumoured to be from the South of the World itself, a place many claim to be as dangerous as Metro City before the election of Mike Haggar. But why miracleman? Has he ever done any miracles? Is he a miracle himself? Nobody knows. This gaucho of the skies has been flying pixelated planes since the River Raid era and is always ready to dog-fight any person who considers Mario a better character than Sonic when he is not soaring the skies of different retro worlds.
Born into the vintage era of gaming this bastion of knowledge found his true calling in the days of the Amiga 500. Many a night spend battling evil and rescuing kingdoms he did everything in 16-Bits and 1024 colours... Now an Avid PC Gamer he never forgot his roots and answers the call to battle as head of the forum and all round sexy dude!
Born to the Kingdom of SEGA, raised within the safe walls of the arcade king & queen’s rule, he grew only knowing how to serve and fight for the blue realm. This great war lasted for eons, spanning across to other kingdoms and realms with untold number of casualties. Ultimately the blue realm fell, leaving nothing but ruins and small factions across the world. Surviving the war, he searches for lost relics of his people, and to help restore the once great kingdom to its former glory.
... The furious leader of the Decepticons and down right obsessive video game geek Megatrons_Fury, is a man of many tastes. From his unique perspective on cultural issues as to why Tomb Raider should go away forever, to his feverish workings on top secret products that'll blow your mind all the while making you kick off those Sunday shoes. Allegedly hundreds of years of age, Megatron is a man who likes the finer things in life. Hama beads, Turrican and owning a Neo Geo are just the start...
Contributors & past team players (click pictures for contact links)
Why not say hello?
Well we hope your enjoying looking at all of the pictures, music, video and company & console articles that have so far been uploaded. There's still loads more to come and of course reviews and profiles on the games themselves.
For now though feel free to reach out and send us a message letting us know what you think so far or even just drop a line to say howdy, that would be aces!! Please don't ask us to promote your youtube channel, book or retro related product though as we are not about that stuff at all.
We hope to hear from all you fans of retro games and systems soon...
- RetroGameGeeks