Bios, Roms & Om nom nom's
Emulation is not a dirty word, it's a retrogaming scene necessity.
As an important component of allowing people to actually experience games from their youth as well as allowing the younger scene fans the opportunity to play stuff that came out twenty years before they were born it was about time that RGG got some guides to emulators out.
So this is the area where you will find step by step written and pictorial tutorials to enable you to get the most out of the massive array of consoles and games to dive into. Enjoy!
How to see the gaming world without paying the Re-Seller!
Now that the retro scene has been invaded by a new generation of fans, hipsters and the dreaded re-sellers the price of playing the old games has risen dramatically. If you add into the mix that as each year passes more and more of these classic games are being lost to damage, hoarders and parents/partners throwing things away it's clear that one day not too far away from now emulation is all we will have left. What stock that's left will be far too high in price.
Some people see the emulation of games as wrong or piracy or they simply don't want to play without real hardware and that's fine but those options won't always be around. With this in mind Vectra has written step by step guides for people with open minds and an eagerness to explore the consoles and games they never could and in some cases due to rising prices never will.